IGNITE Your Revenue Engine:

High Growth Strategies in Challenging Times


THE HCS Event 

For Home Care, Home Health, Hospice Owners, Admins,  Managers and Leaders

August 27-29, 2024 | LIVE Virtual Event | 10 am - 5 pm CT

  • Traditional "marketing" tactics are DEAD!  Sales resistance is at an ALL TIME HIGH! Discover how you can elevate your status and create a connection first so that you can do what you were meant to do: impact more lives!
  • Unlock the one advantage YOU have as an Owner/Administrator, so that you make double the impact in half the time!
  • Implement a simple strategy for GROWING referrals, recruiting, and retention. 
  • Secure high-value private pay clients for Home Care, high value referrals in Home Health & extended stays in Hospice to get off the revenue rollercoaster!
  • Stay clear of potential pitfalls when hiring and onboarding a new rep so that they get to production faster! 
  • Embrace the RepMasteryTM  framework for a "Power Team" synergistic sales/ops relationship.
  • At the end of the event, you will have DESIGNED your PERSONAL: Synergize to Maximize: The SALES SUCCESS Blueprint

Sales/ Field Marketing & Sales Management 

doesn't have to be hard...

Are you struggling to get access to referral sources?

Sales & Marketing resistance is HIGH!

And once you got in, did they want to hear your message?

Maybe you did a lunch for $300 and the Dr.


Or you are not quite sure how to recruit, hire, and help your marketer to their greatest potential? 

And what about the FRICTION? Whew - that Ops-Sales rub is real!

Not to mention staffing - without caregivers, nurses, and therapists, you have nothing to sell, SO there are days you might even question - is it worth it to be marketing?

I have experienced it too.

Over the last 25 years, I have been a sales rep out in the field, I have coached and managed teams in Home Care, Home Health, and Hospice, and I can relate to how tough it is out there in the trenches! 

The Home Care Sales Virtual Event is the proven system that guarantees you can grow referrals, recruit and manage a sales superstar (even if that first sales superstar is YOU!)  by leveraging a proven framework that will help you and your team gain access to referral sources and allow you to get your message HEARD so you can lead your team with ease and have high-value referrals pouring into your agency!


The New R3 rep that can convert even during the referral rollercoaster, and why many owners and admins are hiring the wrong reps for today’s landscape!

R3 Reps!  Let's build them TOGETHER!

  • Owners/ Admins - how to market and get referrals if YOU are the Salesperson! (Hint: You have a huge untapped advantage to get more in less time.)
  • The 5 sentences that will eliminate the friction between you and your rep. and the BIGGEST mistake owners and administrators make with their marketers.  (and if you are a rep you will want show your owner THIS!)
  • The simple strategy for GROWING referrals, recruiting, and retention by engaging the reps. It’s not just an HR function.
  • What matters most to your referral sources and what you should NEVER do!
  • The simple RepMastery framework for owners/ administrators to eliminate the rub: 10X your sales force by creating a Power Team of Ops and Sales working together!  The framework does all the heavy lifting.
  • The Non-Negotiables  every team needs to have for referral sources the signs that tell you to STAY AWAY!
  • Orientation and training – How to get up to production FAST even when you don’t have time. 
  • The 4-letter word that is not a swear word – that is going to make your sales meetings a breeze and on task!
  • How OTHER "MARKETERS" have  made the way we market and sell harder with referral sources (it is NOT your FAULT but it IS YOUR PROBLEM!- this one tactic will get you "beyond" the gatekeeper)
  • OH NO!  WHAT am I going to SAY this week?  Got a plan for Monday?  Word Tracks even advanced sales reps love to say! 
  • Mapping out YOUR timeline for success.


  • Why you are going to set yourself up for success and GAIN MOMENTUM to CRUSH IT THIS FALL!

What if you could wake up every day and know you had a clear game plan for growth and knew exactly how to support marketing today… and every single day after that?

This is why I am inviting you to join my 3-Day Live Online Virtual Event  - The Home Care Sales Event for Home Health, Home Care & Hospice owners, administrators, reps and liaisons.

Discover the System for Repeatable Referrals. Craft your playbook to ensure uncompromising rep accountability. Learn the art of gaining entry into the most challenging accounts. Lead Your Team with Grace and Precision, Leaving Drama in the Dust, All Thanks to the empowering RepMastery Framework!

Come join us LIVE in our NEW virtual EVENT ROOM and discover the proven tactics and techniques that are taking the field by storm TODAY!

Say goodbye to...

Money Down The Drain

No More Splurging on Unnecessary Lunches, Starbucks, or Trinkets!

Embrace Your Role as a Post-Acute Care Powerhouse and Educator. 

The Torturous Waiting Game

Speed Up Your Field Marketing & Sales Productivity with a Crystal-Clear, Time-Saving Onboarding Journey!


Welcome Structured Sales & Marketing Protocols Where Order Reigns, Freedom Thrives!

With Structure comes FREEDOM!  Walk away from the event confidently with a Clear Field Marketing & Sales Blueprint!

Find out how to gain high-value referrals without trial and error or a ton of time!

The Home Care Sales Event is your Golden Ticket!

I want to be there! - COUNT ME IN!

What you really need is...

  • A formula to get into the accounts elevate your status and gets you those referrals!
  • A clear agreement on the goals and activities needed to propel you forward.
  • A proven framework to align sales/marketing and Ops in an easy weekly meeting
  • A weekly educational message that speaks directly to your referral sources that reach into their current caseload and plucks out the exact high-value patient referral you want! - No more crummy referrals

And guess what? ... you are in the right place!

Your Virtual Event Host:
Melanie Stover

Melanie started Home Care Sales twenty-five years ago from her dining room in TN. 

As an Occupational Therapist who worked for VNA, she saw first-hand that home health was where the rubber met the road and the IMPACT home-based services made with patients and families. 

She believed that Home Health, Home Care, and Hospice were one of the greatest secrets in healthcare. 

She KNEW, by using an educational approach she could expand the knowledge base of referral sources AND get people the care they deserved! 


She has served as a coach, mentor, and sales leader to some of the best agencies in the country.

She is known for her diagnosis-based selling techniques and for bridging the gap between clinical/ops and sales. 

The key to her success is her practical, proven protocols that give representatives and owners repeatable referrals and results.  

Rooted in her clinical background, she elevates the conversation of home health, hospice, and in-home care to new levels, helps agencies get a seat at the post-acute care table, and expands their presence and influence so that you can do what you do best – care for more patients and clients! 

Her "Selling = Profound Service" and Your mission is BIGGER than their “No” mindset, along with her referral generating systems, have helped her clients double and triple their revenues with raving referral sources year after year!


Standing out to referral sources is more challenging than ever in a market flooded with "marketers" yet starved for value.


Here's the hard truth: the problem is not the saturation; it's how to differentiate within it. 


Connection First: The Neuroscience of Rapid Rapport

The marketing landscape has undergone dramatic shifts. Gone are the days when traditional tactics could easily sway referral sources (and easy access!). Today's referral sources are savvier, and their sales resistance is tougher than ever. They've seen it all, from the countless reps knocking on their doors to the endless pitches, all sounding eerily similar. It's not your fault that you're met with closed doors and curt rejections – the path was paved by predecessors who failed to deliver value. But, make no mistake, this obstacle is yours to overcome.

The Old Ways: Declared Dead

The conventional marketing playbook for home care is obsolete. Traditional methods—cold calls, generic flyers, cookies, and impersonal emails telling them ALL about your agency—no longer cut through the noise. These outdated approaches are not just ineffective; they're counterproductive, increasing sales resistance and elevating rejection rates. It is NOT your fault- all the "NO VALUE" reps that have gone before you, but it IS your PROBLEM! 

The New Era: Neuroscience Meets Marketing

Enter the groundbreaking approach of neuroscience marketing tailored for the home care industry. This isn't just marketing; it's about forging deep connections through rapid rapport. It's understanding the brain's workings to engage your referral partners in a meaningful, memorable way. This method respects their intelligence and acknowledges their sales resistance, offering a breath of fresh air amidst the cacophony of generic agency "Marketing" pitches.

 Breaking Through the Noise

 Now, we have a new kind of rep who is winning, and we build them.  They are well-rounded and integrated into the teamwork of the clinical/ Ops departments. 

For those owners and admins who are in the field of marketing themselves, they find this style of selling to be more in alignment with their soul as a provider. 

For the owners and admins who manage and lead these new teams, it’s a different experience than just a few years ago - the rules have changed. 

We have tons of lessons to share, and this virtual event feels like the perfect way to give back to the industry we love that has been our life work and given us so much!

With the THE Home Care Sales Event, you don't just get ANOTHER zoom where the presenter talks to you.

You will DESIGN a blueprint to customize your agency so that when you complete the event you have a clear and confident path to productivity and profit for your marketing and sales team (even if that salesperson is YOU!)
And a community of like-minded owners, administrators, reps & liaisons cheering you on!  

Everything you need to tackle your marketing & sales uncertainty and leave the event confident and clear on your growth path! 


You'll have us in your corner

During our time together, we’ll focus on….

Day 1 - Elevate Your Status

It's time to Elevate the conversation about Home Care, Home Health, and Hospice and GET a Seat at the Post-Acute Care Table!

  • Learn what is an R3 rep and why they are winning now.
  • Owner / Administrator as marketer - discover your one BIG advantage and use it to make twice the impact in half the time.
  • The simple strategy for GROWING referrals, recruiting, and retention engaging your rep across the continuum.
  • The BIGGEST MISTAKE to AVOID with your marketers and salespeople.
  • What matters most to your referral sources and what you should NEVER do!
  • Top data-driven conversations for referral sources to become a resource and increase your professional identity!

This is a make it happen day. Roll up your sleeves and lets customize your BLUEPRINT!

Use our proven R3 framework and craft your own R3 rep plan and process customized to your own agency!

Day 2 - Expand Your Revenue

Now that we have the foundation of an R3 Rep, it's time to discover how to motivate, lead, and manage your R3 Rep!

  • Discover the simple RepMastery framework to bring alignment to marketing/sales & ops creating a "POWER TEAM": The framework does all the heavy lifting.
  • Learn the Non-Negotiables for referral sources quickly weed out the accounts that are not going to be a good fit.
  • Get clear on an orientation and training timeline that will get  your reps to production quickly.
  • Design a marketing/sales/ops meeting framework that will keep the conversation in between the ditches - focused and efficient.
  • Explore the BEST WAYS to PAY your salesperson and the comp plans to AVOID!
  • Explore the BEST WAYS increase market share, drive value and the tactics to AVOID that just cause more headaches and LESS PROFIT! - Even though on the surface they "look" like a "good idea! 

As you fill out your blueprint you will have clarity and confidence in your next steps!

Day 3 - Engage Your Team

Our last day together is designed to put your ideas into action

  • Discover the top methods to gain high-value patients/ clients. Choose your top 3 for your agency’s blueprint.
  • Create word tracks to capture right-fit referrals that deliver high hours for private pay, longer lengths of stay for hospice, and high-value patient types for PDGM in HH
  • THE Total Patient Care Delivery Model - across the continuum how to deliver value to your care partners that positions you as the trusted resource so that YOU are their PREFERRED PROVIDER!  
  • How to prevent Top Objections
  • Map out a timeline with a detailed action plan


You are Unstoppable!
You are Ignited and Fired up!

Hannah A.

Business Development Leader

Good Samaritan Society - Home Care, Home Health, Hospice

"Home Care Sales really helped to build my 
confidence when talking with referral sources!

used to be intimidated by the sales process and now feel prepared to walk into any physician’s office.

The training content and online tools give me substantive talking points to continually grow our business."


Say Goodbye to trying to do it on your own!

Bust through the wall of uncertainty of sales and sales management with THE Home Care Sales Event giving you all the resources & support you need to... 

  • Gain ACCESS to accounts using tools you ALREADY have
  • ELIMINATE the DRAMA with a deceptively simple meeting framework for a Results based weekly sales/marketing meeting    - EVERYONE LOVES THIS - Reps/ owners/ ops - EVERYONE!   Go from feeling "confrontational/defensive" to alignment and ALL working together!
  • Make sure you are headed in the right direction every day with a clear agreement between you, your marketer/ sales rep and your ops team that provides a true north compass.
  •  Identify a new salesperson when you are ready to hire using your current resources.
  • Create competitive differentiators to get the referrals you want!
  • Activate your marketer/ sales rep as a lynchpin in your recruiting and retention of your ops and clinical/ caregiver staff.

Kelly Nichols - Administrator

TN Quality

"It has been just one month since we instituted the HCS High Performance Sales Process and we have had a growth of 13% in just one-month.

This was 19 more episodic admissions in Just 30 days!

I can’t wait to see what next month does! "


This is just what I need!

Sign Up Now! Click the link below to register and claim your ticket before the doors close!



Hello there, I'm ...

An Occupational Therapist turned Sales Pro in Home Health, Home Care & Hospice

Over the last 23 yrs I have been inside some of the most successful agencies and have pulled the best practices for this event.

Say Goodbye to struggling on your own!

Get insiders secrets to access accounts so that you can get your educational message to the right referral sources and know that you always have us in your corner to help you every step of the way.

Create a customized blueprint for your agency so that you can leave the event with clarity and an actionable plan for execution and success! 

Own your Marketing & Sales Productivity!  Sales = Profound Service! 

...there is something in this Event just for you!

If you're looking to uplevel your referrals and lead your team you are in the right place!  With Structure comes FREEDOM!

The Home Care Sales Event

is for you if... 

  • You are an owner, administrator, leader of a Home Care, Home Health or Hospice who is responsible for marketing & sales.
  • You will do whatever it takes to achieve revenue growth (Of course, that is legal and ethical).
  • You are growth-minded rather than status-quo.
  • You are willing to learn new tactics and are an implementor.
  • You have a desire to serve more deeply and impact more lives.
  • You want an easy-to-follow, step-by-step system with sales and sales management so you achieve high-performance
  • You appreciate having a mentor to help you when you get stuck

The Home Care Sales Event

is NOT for you if...

  • You are NOT someone who goes to an event and then doesn't take action.
  • You expect that sales or sales management will be SO easy and you won't have to put in any time in effort.
  • You always make excuses and blame others when things don't work.
  • You are NOT willing to help your sales team with tools and tactics.
  • You don’t have any patients or clients on service.
  • You are focused on the problems & not the solutions.
  • You buy lots of courses but never finish or even start them.

Marilyn Bakarich - Sales Manager 

Faith Home Health & Hospice

"I love to support my sales team Melanie’s help all year long, I’m able to achieve that."

My promise to you

We promise that if by the end of our first day together, you don’t think you will see a 10x RETURN ON INVESTMENT, you can notify our team on the 1st day, excuse yourself from the event and we will reimburse 100% of your ticket.

FAQ & Scroll Down for Registration

This is just what I need!



Register TODAY

Secure your ticket  

Lock in your spot at just $97

Claim your ticket today!